Diabetes is a chronic disease that has millions of patients in the world. and tends to increase every year Diabetes is caused by the body’s inability to produce enough insulin. or cannot use insulin effectively As a result, blood sugar levels rise and diabetes occurs.
Proper self-care helps prevent further complications that can be dangerous. Many people may have questions about health care for prevention and control Symptoms of diabetes.
If you have a proper understanding of health care It will help prevent the development of and help people with cope with their symptoms better. By beliefs about diabetes that many people often misunderstand, such as
Not a serious disease: Many people may think that does not require strict management of the symptoms. But the truth is Diabetes is a chronic and severe disease. If symptoms are not properly taken care of and controlled It can lead to various complications both in the short and long term. However, complications that may occur acutely include low blood sugar. High Blood Sugar and Diabetic Ketoacidosis , which can cause the patient to go into shock and lose consciousness. And in some cases, it can cause long-term complications. It causes abnormalities around various blood vessels. which affects the functioning of organs in the body such as the eyes, legs, heart, kidneys, and nerves.
Only starch and sugar cause diabetes: In fact, the main reason is actually due to these two things. But saturated fat that is abundant in red meat Meat such as cow, buffalo, sheep, and processed meat such as sausage, ham, bologna, bacon, and crispy pork are also causes of diabetes. This is because saturated fat from large animals inhibits insulin from being effective. Makes blood sugar levels decrease more slowly The pancreas has to work harder to produce more insulin. When the pancreas works harder and harder and begins to deteriorate to the point of producing less insulin https://ufabet999.app. This causes blood sugar to not decrease. until finally becoming diabetic.
Only obese people get diabetes: Because many people understand that eating a lot of sweet things will make you fat. Obese people can have diabetes. It’s not wrong to think like this. But what is wrong is Thin people are also likely to have diabetes. It just might be less risky than fat people.
For example, in the case of our friend who told us about it above, at first glance. He didn’t think that he would have diabetes. But if you look at his eating habits who likes to drink soft drinks Eat sweet drinks. live regularly Even though the body has such a good metabolism that it doesn’t appear as fat for us to see. But in fact, the blood sugar level is very high. Until he developed severe diabetes.
Diabetes of the elderly: Although it is true that the proportion of people with there are more adults than children. But we should have seen the news that There are children under 10 years old who have diabetes. Or will it be high school or university students like we met? It can also be diabetes. Moreover, it is serious because the children are not careful about the food they eat, eating. What they want, food that is high in sugar. Its rich, sweet taste is also commonly sold. So children are at risk of raising their blood sugar levels as high as adults.